P a s t events
Green Events
Since 2017 we are hosted by The Green Community Centre to do our Shared Practice and in exchange we create events that draw local people close to witness what we do and come up with but also to integrate this community centre as a support in people’s lives let it be via classes, talks or participative events. Our intension is to make art and movement accessible and to bring awareness to collective support structures and endow an integration of society into environment via a physical and reflective way of life.
Towards a Regenerative Culture, Together we are 29.02.2020
Tree Planting 01.12.2019
Clothes Swap 07.07.2019
Open Day 16.02.2019
Nunhead Arts Trail Open Studios 29.09.2018
Free to Move – and Openly Spaced Out
Free to Move invites by passers and friends to move together with us to enjoy co-composing London’s cityscape and to physically understand that space can be used democratically, freely and creatively. If you would like to participate please get in touch. Events take place intermittently.
ZINE – Food: Hungry for Change
Food is fundamental and buying it matters just as much. It is the thing we need to do, the thing we ought to know – second nature – but how much further could we possibly be away from that?
Exit Map Collective 2015/16
Polyticks and Ridiculous Copernicus
A proud first full evening programme featuring a double bill that consisted of a public sharing/ performance version of our Shared Training and the next stage of our collective work. This time we applied more structure after careful consideration what structure suits our approaches which allowed for an engaging interplay between improvisation and choreography. It was very well received and we are looking forward to re-staging it soon.
Launch and Twerkasonata
In Autumn 2015 our first performances as STP or Exit Map collective were launched. They brought together investigations of personal nature but were tied and composed referencing a concern we all shared which is that of care. Three performances emerged based on improvisation scores with each performance being a development of the previous one. At Conway Hall, Longfield Hall and Cockpit Theatre.
Here Now
In March 2013 nine improvisers coming from music, dance, drama and fine art took over the main hall at The Albert in NW6 London inviting the audience to observe and participate in cross-disciplinary improvisation …
V.I.P. Talk
May 2011 as part of Accidental Festival at the Roundhouse in London we hijacked visitors of the festival by talking them into a fake identity, treating them to 20 min stardom…
Live Social Networking Station
November 2010 in the Rag Factory down Brick Lane we embarked on the mission to get people mixed up during the Fishtank festival…
Dice Cafe
October 2009 at Area 10 in Peckham we set up a cafe where a game of dice took people out of their comfort zone at first but into a harmonious space after …
Commissioned by the Leipziger Tanztheatrer, Unknown premiered at their jubilee in September 2007 in Leipzig, Germany. We received rewarding reviews …
Tied Feathers
In 2005 Tied Feathers was shown at the Place and the Freshfest as the first ever production by Exit Map…