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Archive of events and productions




Shared Practice X Tension projects stem from the practice and tools we extricate from our weekly 

Shared Practice.  Process led, artists share and unearth what moves them through a movement practice where conversations  find a flow that open up more processes. We speak differently after we moved. 


Instead of products we accumulate structures that invite participation to keep processing but gradually we invite more people in, gather more views and encourage creative contributions. We collectively develop ideas into projects, from artists into the community by mobilising exchanges and shared ownership.


Moving On 2020 - 2023

Lewisham, London based with satellite projects worldwide


A headphone or radio installation, Moving On are somatic audio guides conceived by dance and sound artists, to inspire ways of being with the more-than-human. Moving On is created by a community of artists for a community of people to breathe deeply and move freely with our surroundings and become part of a wider ecosystem. 

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Changing Climates

Secular Rituals at Ponderosa, Germany June 2023


To talk constructively about the climate means to create a climate in which encounters are possible, in which we move and exchange together. Secular Rituals is an inquiry by Exit Map on how to cultivate and integrate into the everyday, an embodied connectivity between self and other(s).

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Dinner Of Doing Things

Conceived by the community of Exit Map in various SE London homes. Spring 2023


The Dinner of Doing Things is an initiative to open our homes for others to visit us and help us with whatever we need help with. We de-privatize our needs and open a personal space for imperfections to be seen and, with the support of our community, find solutions. Alongside we grow and expand into a shared sense of identity.


Zine - Architectures of Togetherness

Exit Map Community with design by Carolina Vasilikou

December 2022 - January 2023


Following the research Radical Inclusion, we wanted to share our questions with the wider community what it would mean "to design space together, thinking in ways of movement? How can somatic practices conceive multiple architectures that are exuded from multiple bodies? " (C. Vasilikou) 



Walk + Talk + Cake

Green Community Centre and Nunhead Cemetery Aug 2022


Our ingredients for joyous community events to connect people and spaces are: make a cake, bring old clothes for a clothes swap and then join us for a walk around  Nunhead cemetery where the dead are graced with teeming wildlife. After, we eat cake, let go of old clothes, find a new old thing to take home and dance in the sun to music from our radios. 


Radical Inclusion

Carolina Vasilikou and Laura Doehler

Research Residency October 2021 in Ponderosa, Germany


To further Ponderosa's vision to connect with neighbours and put Ponderosa on the map with its ability to give life to the unimaginable (Utopia), we make space to accept what isn't that. Permeability of otherness, directions of flows and small openings that invite new connections.

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The Most Wuthering Height Day Ever

2021, Hilly Fields, London


Held at locations around the world, people recreate the dance of the song "Wuthering Heights" by musician Kate Bush (1978). To get our local community together at a time when lockdown was just easing enough, we shared this opportunity to dress up and dance like Kate!


Together We Are, Towards a Regenerative Culture

performances, classes and interventions at the Green Community Centre, London Feb 2020


We proposed new ways to integrate movement, dance and social action wherein artistic socio- environmental encounters offered participation and initiated a process of imagining a future together. 


A community is planting trees

Collective Action December 2019 at the Green Community Centre, London.


Exit Map joined the initiative of the Conservation Volunteers to plant trees across London with our local SE community. Donations of wood and soil allowed us to collectively build tree boxes with photographs that show who made it happen.

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Clothes Swap and Film Screening

Collective Action and Film Screening July 2019 at the Green Community Centre, London


How many in our community have never swapped clothes in their lives and have not yet heard about the impact sweat shops have? The world needs more clothes swaps and with a screening of 'The True Cost' we shall never look back.

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Open Day

Talks, Interviews, performances, food and maps at the Green Community Centre, London Feb 2019


A one day festival for and with the local community in collaboration with the Green, our local community centre in Nunhead to collectively map the area, its residents and share work in progress by our artists. 



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Nunhead Art Trail Open Studio

at the Green Community Centre, London 2018​


We opened doors to the local public and invited participation and/ or witnessing of our Shared Practice. In addition we showed how this practice furthers collective processes, leads to collaborations and what kind of work emerges therefore for a work in progress sharing


Works by Exit Map Collective 2015/16

A Conway Hall, Chisenhale Dance, Cockpit Theatre

and Longfield Hall, London


improvisations with and by Anne-Gaelle Thiriot, Laura Doehler, Tania Soubry (directors of Exit Map) and guest artist My Johannson.




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V.I.P Talk
















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